Get Assistance

Have a need? Call Love INC. The first thing you’ll hear is the voice of a caring, well equipped volunteer from one of our partner churches. A volunteer who will take the time to listen and care for you; who will inquire about the presenting need, but also explore the broader context of your situation. Everything we do revolves around relationships because Love INC isn’t just about meeting needs, it’s about meeting people where they are at, and helping them achieve their God-given potential. Here are a few of the ways we do that in our community.

How Does Love INC of Treasure Valley help?

By engaging Christian volunteers from local churches, Love INC meets basic need while addressing the underlying issues that require long-term participation and levels progressively build upon each other. The more someone engages, the greater the frequency and quantity of services available to them.
Tiered Participation Resource Guide

Basic Need

Requests are received, clarified and verified, and if legitimate, a free product need is met, i.e. clothing, household items, furniture or bikes.

Core Classes

Participants engage in free weekly training on a variety of life-improvement topics, such as finances, goal setting, parenting, relationships, cooking, nutrition, job skills and setting healthy boundaries.


Participants who meet set requirements are matched with a personal mentor who gives them weekly guidance on their budget and goal setting for 12-18 months. These services are free.


Selected participants who meet set requirements can advance and live in a community with other New Hope Program participants for up to three years, continuing under case-management to achieve set goals and dreams. At this level, participants pay a monthly program fee.
Grace and Grit: Restored Lives in the New Hope Program

How We Can Help

Connection Center

Anyone who needs assistance must complete an application over the phone with a trained volunteer. On completion of a verified application, we discern and recommend appropriate resources within the community, referring clients to other helping entities and to Love INC’s coordinated ministries. Love INC offers a variety of different types of assistance, including short- and long-term Transformational Programs. Clients are invited to attend a Client Orientation to find out more about our Transformational Programs.

Connection Center Hours:
Monday – Friday, 9:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

New Hope Program

Our New Hope Program offers free core classes and mentorship. The core classes cover practical, applicable topics like money management, parenting, boundaries, and other relevant life skills.

To learn more and/or enroll in the New Hope Program, you’ll need to complete an orientation either in person or online. Choose either option:

Attend the orientation in person if you do not feel equipped to complete it online. If you need childcare for ages 0-12 while attending in-person orientation, please include them when you register to attend.

Sign Up For An In Person Orientation

Using your device, you can complete the orientation online – We use an online classroom tool called Pathwright, and this option will require you to create a free Pathwright user name and password (it does not add you to any marketing or email lists). The system allows you to complete it in multiple sessions if you don’t have time to do it all at once.

Sign Up For An Online Orientation

Want to hear stories of those who’ve graduated from the New Hope Program?
Watch Tracy’s story, Chad and Pam’s story, and Mary’s story.