Lack of money or mismanagement causing financial problems? Are your personal or work relationships strained? Does fear or pride keep you from asking for help? Do you feel ashamed and don’t know who to talk to?
Help is available through our New Hope Program! Watch Chad and Pam’s story of transformation.

Chad and Pam’s Story
New Hope Program
Our New Hope Program offers free core classes and mentorship. The core classes cover practical, applicable topics like money management, parenting, boundaries, and other relevant life skills.
To learn more and/or enroll in the New Hope Program, you’ll need to complete an orientation either in person or online. Choose either option:
Attend An In Person Orientation
Attend the orientation in person if you do not feel equipped to complete it online. If you need childcare for ages 0-12 while attending in-person orientation, please include them when you register to attend.
Attend An Online Orientation
Using your device, you can complete the orientation online – We use an online classroom tool called Pathwright, and this option will require you to create a free Pathwright user name and password (it does not add you to any marketing or email lists). The system allows you to complete it in multiple sessions if you don’t have time to do it all at once.